Devotion Corporate Services

Investment Cost Calculator

Provide us with your personal information
Where do you want to setup the company?*
Select an Emirate.

Select your Legal Structure*
Your business structure influences how much tax you pay, your capacity to acquire capital, the paperwork you must submit, and your personal liability. Before you can register a company, you must first decide on a business structure.
Choose your Business Category**
Your company's business category will assist to establish which jurisdiction, trade license, and business activity will apply to it.

Choose your business activity.*
When do you plan to start your business?This question is required.*

What is the primary purpose for establishing a corporation in the UAE? This question is required.*
This will enable us to decide what kind of company structure your company would require.
How many Employees will you need?This question is required.*
You can apply for resident visas for your employees.

How many owners/shareholders will your company have?This question is required.*
The number of owners or shareholders your business will have might assist you decide on the best legal structure for it and how many resident visas you'll need.

What Type of Office Space?This question is required.*
Will you require a flexi-desk, a co-working area, or a whole office space depending on the nature of your business? This is crucial in figuring out your overall setup cost.
Do you require help with our other services? This question is required.*
There are several duties you will have when beginning a business. If you require help with any of the following, please let us know.
Choose as many as you like
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That's about it! Thanks for your time!

As per your input the approx. cost will be 15,600 AED.

Meanwhile, You can check our website for more details.

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